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In-depth Feature Articles

Compliments of Virtual Art Gallery

"The Aliens That Aren't"

An Interview with Whitley Strieber by Ed Conroy

On Coping with the 'Visitors':

Passing through the fear barrier to greater understanding of the 'alien' encounter experience. E-mail correspondence with a terrified experiencer.

Classification of 'Abduction' Experiences

A brief description of the most commonly reported 'abduction' experience types. It is intended to provide a standard of classification in 'abduction' research.

The Latent Encounter Experience: A Composite Model

A well researched article on the structure of the 'abduction' experience by MUFON investigator, Joe Nyman.

The Familiar Entity & Dual Reference in the Latent Encounter

Familiar entity leads to a sense of dual identity (dr) in hypnotic regression research. A second article by MUFON investigator, Joe Nyman. An excellent guide for hypnotherapists who wish to take experiencers past their fear to greater understanding of the 'abduction' experience.

The Case for UFO Abductions as Physical Events

-- by Budd Hopkins

Those who recall their own UFO abduction encounters are convinced that what happened to them is real...

Table of Contents

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